Thursday, August 7, 2014

Experiencing Open Journal System

     In today's many researchers are getting in publish online on their research, they are searching a publisher to publish the article online.

     In 2011 One my friends introduce to me the Open Journal System for Open Access Journal, I implement this system to our Journal publication Office. The Aim & Goals on this is to cite the article world wide and not stored in the Library/Cabinet, in our research publication office we are using the technology base quality assurance for each article, we undergo the plagiarism test and the Grammarly so we need to be accessible online. Also, we are member of CrossRef for Digital Object Identifier, I submitted the XML meta data once the OJS generated, Crossref is a plugins in OJS.
      However, after a years doing Open Journal System the a lot of new Idea put it in the System, they create version that cater a need of the authors, like the impact factor the metrics of the article. Google Scholar it is a big help on our publication they are more visit to our publication website. We apply the inclusion to the Google Scholar, this scholar is the number one search engine for scholars.